Legal Workflow Automation for Law Firms

Legal workflow automation is the process of automating routine tasks for law firms. Automating your law firm’s workflow can have a number of benefits. It can improve communication between lawyers and clients, reduce the time spent on

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How does cloud accounting software help law firms?

Cloud accounting software can be a valuable tool for law firms, providing a way to manage finances and track performance. Cloud accounting software offers the added benefit of being accessible from anywhere, making it ideal

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7 Best Automation Features for Lawyers

As a lawyer, your role is to give advice, explain your client’s rights, and then represent them in court, ensuring that their cases have the best possible outcome. Doesn’t it seem to be simple and

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How Law Firm Automation can save you 3 hours a day

Law firm automation does not eliminate human effort. Instead, lawyers will be able to devote more time to tasks that require their expertise rather than to repetitive tasks that can be automated. If you want

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Invoice: What is it and how does it work with Legodesk

An invoice is a legal document that is typically used in business-to-business transactions. It is a request for payment for goods or services that have been provided. An invoice usually includes the name and contact

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CRM for lawyers vs generic CRMs

When we talk to lawyers about technology, we frequently hear, “Doesn’t a case management system do the same thing as a CRM for lawyers?” To that, we reply “Not at all,” A hazy response to

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Why is data management important for lawyers?

Legal practice data management is the process of organizing, storing, and retrieving data related to legal cases. This can include information on clients, cases, documents, and more. An effective legal practice data management system can

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Law Firm Billing: Invoice Adjustments

Law Firm Billing is a crucial element of running a successful law firm. It is how you get payments for your work, pay your office bills, pay your employees, and reimburse yourself. If done inaccurately,

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