Help Center- Legal Notice Tracking

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A revolutionary feature for legal teams to be able to send default notices to debtors.
1. On the left sidebar, select the 4th option Notices.

2. You will see two options under the dropdown- Notice Generator & Speed Post Tracking

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Notice Generator

Used to generate notices from CSVs and/or templates (made available during the initial onboarding), legal teams can generate various types of notices based on their client requirements.
1.  You'll see a drop-down having 2 options. Click on Generate Documents, this will take you to another page.

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2. Fill in all the details to successfully generate your Documents.

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Speed Post Tracking

Used to track notices sent via speed posts.
1. You can either add individual consignment numbers, bulk upload a CSV file containing notice details, or upload speed post receipt images to start tracking the notices directly from your Legodesk application

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Speed Post Tracking

2. The added notices are available and are directly accessible from the Speed Post Tracking Menu.

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