The Rise of NBFCs in India: A Catalyst for Financial Growth

Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) have emerged as pivotal players in the Indian financial landscape, driving growth and innovation. As of 2023, there are almost 10000 NBFCs in India and all of them contribute almost 10%

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Microfinance in India: A Journey Towards Financial Inclusion and Empowerment

Microfinance has emerged as a significant tool for economic development, particularly in developing countries. It provides financial services such as small loans, savings accounts, and insurance to individuals who lack access to traditional banking systems.

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The Essential Guide to B2B Debt Collection for Businesses and Banks

In the dynamic world of business-to-business (B2B) transactions, managing outstanding debts is a critical aspect of maintaining financial stability and growth. Whether you’re a supplier, service provider, or a financial institution, effectively collecting unpaid invoices

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Understanding Debt Market Instruments: A Comprehensive Guide

Investing in debt instruments is a popular option for investors in India and around the world. Debt instruments can be a great option for investors who are looking for relatively stable returns while also being

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Streamline Your Finances with Expert Debt Collection Services 

Debt collection is one of the most important aspects of any lending business. While it is essential to have an internal debt collection arm, a large portion of the debt collection process can also be

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Top Features to Look for in a Field Collection App

Field collection is a large part of the debt collection process. Every lenders needs to have a systemized process for field collection. Field collection involves collection agents visiting borrowers in an effort to recover unpaid

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Your Guide to Microfinance in India

A majority of lenders consider microfinance to be an important part of their business. Over the decades, microfinance has been growing in importance in India as the lending industry increases its market penetration.  Microfinance can

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What is Retail Lending? 

Lenders cater to different markets using different kinds of products. A major category for lenders is retail lending. Retail lending refers to loans that are sanctioned to retail borrowers also called individual consumers.  As opposed

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