Legal Practice

Comprehensive Tech Plan for Indian Law Firms

Technological advancements everywhere, have tried to make our lives better, and the field of law has been treated no differently. Furthermore, in this time of the COVID-19 crisis, work-from-home has become the norm. Thus, it is imperative to invest in a comprehensive technology plan that suits your law firm.

Legal tech has been influencing the practice of law for ages. However, currently, the advancement in technology has affected the legal profession exponentially. Typewritten documents have made way for Microsoft Word, while we scan and email documents rather than fax them. Most importantly, legal research has become more virtual as judgments, notifications, and other legal documents have also become digitized.

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Presently, it is far more difficult to stay away from technology than to involve it within the professional space. Rather, it is daunting to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in technology since,

  • Novel technology can be pricey; and
  • It can be prone to bugs and errors.

Most Indian law firms have the financial competence to embrace this legal technological revolution, and they should! Any step forward in this direction will be a huge leap for the legal fraternity. Interestingly, the looming threat of COVID-19 on physical hearings has resulted in virtual court proceedings. This has led to drastic changes in our approach to the profession.

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Technological Advancement

Technological innovation seems most likely to be a foundation stone for the post-COVID world. It will be increasingly essential for organizations to embrace digital expertise to survive in such a world. Furthermore, technology-driven solutions have their benefits. They affect:

Overview of a Comprehensive Tech Plan

Technology has helped make our lives better, but a comprehensive legal tech plan can help make our lives smarter too. The majority of the population in the world uses technology in some form. A comprehensive legal tech plan is all about strategizing and choosing what is best for you.

It comprises:

Adopting the Right Technology    

The very first step in adopting legal technology in Indian law firms is answering the question of infrastructure. Infrastructure is of two types, and both are integral to sustaining a comprehensive tech plan. They are;

Hardware, such as:
  • monitors,
  • RAM,
  • printers, and
  • scanners;


Software, such as:
  • Legal Practice Management Software (LPMS),
  • Document Management Software,
  • Client (or Customer) Relationship Management (CRM) Software, and
  • Time Management Software.

Any organization must have a workable blend of the right hardware and software to perform its functions more effectively. Thus, it is important to not be stingy when investing in the infrastructure. Nonetheless, this also does not imply that you should go overboard when setting up the infrastructure. Understand the nature of your organization and its hardware and software requirements, and invest accordingly.

Incidentally, you may have realized that hardware requirements for monitors, printers, scanners, or CPUs are comparatively more generic. However, software necessities are far more specific.

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There are certain software options that Indian law firms cannot function without. They are Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat. You would not be able to draft notices, replies, motions, and other documents without word processing software. Furthermore, you will also require software to create and/or open files in PDF format.

Moreover, Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint help maintain timesheets and prepare presentations respectively. Thus, with regards to these essential software programs, it is more about using them more efficiently, rather than at all. Additionally, the Google Suite is yet another remarkable bundle of software that can help with its productivity and collaboration tools.

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Law firms will almost certainly explore these software options. Therefore, to stand out and march ahead from the crowd, you will have to invest in specialized software. Interestingly, many Indian law firms are yet to explore document management and/or time management software. Thus, they lose out due to their financial inability or lack of enthusiasm to invest in legal technology.


A virtual world is prone to multiple risks. It is a landless, borderless plane that we are trying to regulate with data security and data privacy laws. Every institution has its very own data-sets containing information that is crucial to them. Consequently, Indian law firms also need to deal with a massive amount of data regularly. Thus, data security forms part of legal technology ethics.

In the wrong hands, the data could be tampered with and exploited to cause damaging results. Therefore, you must never compromise on your security options. Client information is crucial for the legal fraternity and thus, a legal tech plan must consider data security measures. Incidentally, the GDPR is the call to arms to combat worldwide data breaches and threats.  

India too has tried to ensure data privacy and data security by introducing the Information Technology Act, 2000 (the Act). Through Section 43A, the Act makes it mandatory for a ‘body corporate’ to adopt ‘reasonable security practices and procedures. Therefore, there is an ethical and legal obligation to safeguard client information.


The current coronavirus scare has resulted in a mad scramble for the adoption of legal technology in Indian law firms. Earlier, technology was being used primarily for case research. Today, virtual hearings are being conducted over the internet. This means you must have a data plan with a reliable network connection. Additionally, meetings and conferences are also being conducted through cyberspace.

Furthermore, with work-from-home becoming the new normal, people’s homes have become their offices. Incidentally, unlike in a real office space, there is nobody to monitor the employees working at their homes. Thus, a dip in efficiency is quite possible. Thus, team management software such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Trello can come in handy in such situations.

Software that can Help

Besides, there are various other software that help reduce un-billable work. Imagine an affordable cloud-based LPMS which:

  • reduces time wastage,
  • increases efficiency,
  • improves finances,
  • updates your frequently, and
  • fosters client interaction.

Sounds too good to be true, correct? Well, Legodesk offers you all the above, and so much more. It is a multi-faceted case management software that helps drive attorney-client interactions to foster new connections. It offers:

  • affordable subscription plans; and
  • data security, by being a cloud-based platform.

Fire or other calamities are unlikely to affect Data stored on the cloud. Additionally, you will be able to:

  • Track cases.
  • View automated case notifications.
  • Access automated event alerts.
  • Send auto-generated invoices to clients.

Furthermore, you can access the client portal and import contacts in bulk, while also maintaining data privacy and data security. Legodesk has been at the forefront of revolutionizing legal technology in Indian law firms.  

What are you waiting for? Choose a dependable software partner and invest in a comprehensive legal tech plan today!

Legodesk is the best cloud-based legal case management software for law professionals. It also helps Clients find a lawyer. Interested to know more? Sign Up today to start your free trial or contact us if you have any queries.

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by Biswaroop Mukherjee

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