Legal Practice

Tips for the Young Travelling Lawyer

Tips for the Young Travelling Lawyer


Who doesn’t have responsibilities or commitments? Adding a question mark after that statement would not make it a query relevant to law graduates if you’ve come out successfully from a 3 year LLB course or a 5-year B.A.LLB. Course, the result would be all the same- that you have your priorities sorted in mind. If not, let that be the first tip.

You cannot possibly remain as an individual without priorities by the time you graduate. You have to have an idea of what exactly you want to do and how to go about it. Of course, many would consider applying for the civil service examination or applying for their postgraduate courses. However, my intention is to limit this article to aid those who stay true to the profession of law.
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General Questions About Travelling Lawers

The first question that any law graduate might (or should) have already answered by now is- litigation or non-litigation. This matters a lot. In-house counsel jobs would demand young lawyers to move far from their homes if they’re not from a metropolitan city. It’s a fact that those from Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, or Chennai start off with the advantage of having a strong home ground to develop in. It provides multitudes of good internships, placements, and jobs. This would not ask much traveling from a metro-dweller. Moreover, if you’re going the litigation route, starting off with a good High Court practice or a District Court associate-ship would not be difficult. A slow incline regarding income should be expected. Mumbai/Delhi would relatively pay more, but it would not make a difference due to the expenses you could incur while living there.

For anyone who is not from a metropolitan area, and otherwise struggles with traveling and procuring internships or placement, you have to strike early and regularly. You should acknowledge your disadvantage in the corporate field. However, this will not hamper your career growth once you’ve established yourself at a company, firm, or wherever.

So from the years after graduation until maybe the age of thirty, expect your career choices to demand time away from home.  Sacrifices and independence would be required of a young traveling lawyer to make the best of the opportunities granted. Litigation jobs will not ask as much of your freedom but will reward proportionately to that. Non-litigation work, just like litigation work, is not for everyone. As stated earlier, this is a decision that one will have to take themselves after assessing their interests and skills. Non-litigation work, at better firms/companies/banks, etc., will provide a good earning but subject to the sacrifices you’re ready to make. The corporate side is rewarding to those who sacrifice for it.

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A young traveling lawyer should definitely consider his money-saving options cautiously. It is important to have the advantage of a good initial capital invested in yourself, either by anything you’ve earned or saved in the past or from your parents’ pockets. This will go a long way in getting decent accommodation, food, and other amenities to start your career at a destination you might not be too familiar with.


Networking. This is a tip that is underrated in the legal profession. Every person you meet in the field, every client (subject to non-compete clauses, of course), or any company/firm you have made contact with will be important for you or anyone that needs such a contact. A young lawyer, who would be required to travel a decent length around the country, should definitely take and maintain contact with as many big players as possible. It could go a long way, i.e., anywhere from earning you a recommendation or even landing you a job.

One cannot walk into any battle without a strategy. Similarly, it is not wise to enter any platform in the legal world without preparation. Study your friends, your contacts, your enemies, and your clients professionally. Proving yourself as a force of nature will definitely earn credit to your name when working with. Efficiency earns you trust from your clients and your employers.

This next tip should usually come first, but I’ve placed it last on this list so that its importance will compliment the rest of the points. Create a route for yourself. Your path must be set, at least in your mind. You should be aware of where you’re going. Pick the areas of law to specialize in and build a clientele. Work up the career ladder and aim for the best workplace you can find for yourself. All lawyers should do all this while giving due importance to their responsibilities and commitments.

If you aim to return to a small city or town you’re from, I suggest doing that a decade or two later unless your family or matrimonial commitments require it. And when you do return, do so with a fairly large amount in your wallet. Giving due importance to these points will assist in making key decisions with respect to your career and life, in general.

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by nevinjpaul

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