Experts Speak

Seven ways to find the best family lawyer

The worst time to look for a family lawyer is to wait until you need a family lawyer. Waiting until you need one can leave you scrambling for legal representation during a time you are stressed and cannot think logically. In such an instance, you might end up with representation that costs you in more ways than just money.

That said, many people do not have the money or need to keep a lawyer on retainer. In this instance, it is best to be able to follow a few proven steps to vet and hire a family lawyer because such steps can serve as a proxy decision-maker when you are stressed and legally desperate. You can find the best Foster Care Attorney in Florida here.

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Seven ways to find the best family lawyer

The worst time to look for a family lawyer is to wait until you need a family lawyer. Waiting until you need one can leave you scrambling for legal representation during a time you are stressed and cannot think logically. In such an instance, you might end up with representation that costs you in more ways than just money.

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That said, many people do not have the money or need to keep a lawyer on retainer. In this instance, it is best to be able to follow a few proven steps to vet and hire a family lawyer because such steps can serve as a proxy decision maker when you are stressed and legally desperate.

1. Reviews

Many lawyers tell you to form your own opinion, but the fact of the situation is that how you will be treated will be very similar to how others before you have been treated. In the legal field, this tendency is known as precedence, and you should not ignore the reviews of a legal institution or lawyer. If people are rating a lawyer as a two-star service provider, you should not think you are getting a five-star legal mind simply because he or she puts you at ease. You should look for reviews that express gratitude for results. You should also look for reviews that commend communication, affordability, and customer service.

2. Local family law

Finding a lawyer who specializes in your type of family law is important because each area of law has its own set of intricacies. Adoption, for instance, is different from divorce. Both, however, fall under the category of family law.

Additionally, you should also find a lawyer who is local because he or she will know the law in your area as well as the judges and the people who can best help win your case. If you find someone who is licensed in your jurisdiction but works in another city, you might end up with someone who is working hard just to keep up.

3. Education

The degree matters, so you should look for someone with the best degree you can afford. If education did not matter, every law school would be just as good as the next. By extension, every lawyer would be as adept as the next. This just is not so. Look for a lawyer with a degree from a school of the highest reputation.

4. Experience versus interest

Of course, you should look for an attorney with experience in the type of case you are faced with. However, if you find someone with experience who also expresses interest in your type of case, you will find someone who will be internally motivated to work hard.

For instance, everyone has side interests. If your lawyer’s side interests center around your type of case, you will find someone with a piqued interest. This will work better for you than hiring someone who is daydreaming about other types of cases.

5. Legal reputation

When choosing a family lawyer in Tweed Heads, you should find someone who has published widely or someone on whom other lawyers lavish praise. People in the legal field know one another, and they will tell you one way or another if someone is qualified to help you. When it comes to poor recommendations, the wording might be hedged, or it might be stated in a subtle manner. For instance, if someone says another lawyer is not the worst help you could find, you might continue looking.

6. The reality of fees

Although top-tier legal minds are highly valued, they come with top-tier fees. As such, the reality of your situation should match your bank account. You do not want to win your case and bankrupt your family. That said, you might be able to establish some type of payment arrangement and end being able to afford high-quality representation. Additionally, you might be able to find an attorney willing to work on a contingency.

7. Willingness to outline

You should absolutely find a lawyer willing to outline the process. For instance, any lawyer will know the process of a case and the typical behavior of an opposing legal team. If your lawyer seems surprised at the opposing lawyer’s tactics, he or she is not telling you everything or is not able to anticipate tactics. In this case, you should look elsewhere because your legal battle will be rife with expensive surprises.          

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About the Author:

Kim Hemphry is a passionate expert in the areas of Legal Matters, learning and education. She has been featured on over 50 leading Legal and education sites and is a modern thought leader in the field. More about her interests and articles on her site –

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