Effective Field Debt Collection Techniques: Navigating Challenges and Maximizing Returns

Debt collection through field operations is the most critical component of any debt collection strategy. While online communication, automated communication, and phone calls have an important place in the debt collection arsenal of a lender,

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Impact of NPA Provisioning on Financial Statements and Performance

Non-performing assets are an unavoidable aspect of lending, which is why central banks implement NPA provisioning norms for banks and NBFCs operating in the country. The Reserve Bank of India has also notified extensive rules

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Litigation in Debt Collection: Challenges and Best Practices

Legal collection is usually the final course of action that lenders take to recover as much as possible from a non-performing asset. Litigation involves approaching courts of law for assistance in recovering dues by lenders. 

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Asset Valuation and Pricing in NPA Sales

Non-performing assets are an occupational hazard for lenders. There is no way to guarantee that loans are only sanctioned to borrowers who will service their loans without any defaults. This is because of the nature

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Risk Mitigation Strategies in Suit Filing for Banking Institutions

Once loan restructuring and asset reconstruction attempts fail to provide the desired results, lenders are left with few options except to start legal proceedings. Lenders can either file their claim before the debt recovery tribunal

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NPA Resolution Framework under RBI Guidelines

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) provides guidelines on how lenders, particularly banks, should approach non-performing assets (or NPAs). The RBI recognizes that bad loans are part of the lending endeavor and every effort should

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Management and Resolution Strategies for Non-Performing Assets (NPAs)

Banks and lenders of all types should have a documented process for managing and resolving non-performing assets (NPAs). NPAs are a part and parcel of the lending business so having a systemized mechanism of handling

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Section 138 NI Act: Empowering Creditors in Debt Recovery

As a bank, fintech, or lender, encountering situations where customers fail to fulfill their financial obligations can be daunting. Fortunately, legal provisions such as Section 138 NI of the Negotiable Instruments Act (NI Act) serve

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