Debt Resolution

Online Arbitration Process in India

Online arbitration is a process of resolving disputes through an online platform, where the arbitrator, parties, and witnesses communicate and present evidence over the internet platform. In India, online arbitration is governed by the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, and the rules and guidelines laid down by various institutional arbitration centers.

Centre for Alternate Dispute Resolution Excellence (CADRE)

CADRE plays an important role in promoting the use of ADR as an alternative to traditional court-based dispute resolution methods. The organization works with government agencies, legal organizations, and other stakeholders to promote the benefits of ADR and encourage its use in resolving disputes. The Centre for Alternate Dispute Resolution Excellence (CADRE) is a specialized organization dedicated to promoting and advancing the use of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods. It aims to provide a platform for resolving disputes in a quick, efficient, and cost-effective manner, while also promoting the benefits of ADR to the wider public.

CADRE offers various services, including training and education, research, and dispute resolution services. The organization’s training programs are designed to help individuals and organizations understand the different types of ADR processes, such as mediation, arbitration, and conciliation, and how to use these processes to resolve disputes effectively.

How does Legodesk & the CADRE enable Arbitration:

Legodesk and CADRE enabling online arbitration

Process of Online Arbitration

The process of online arbitration in India can be broken down into the following steps:

Agreement to Arbitrate:

The first step in the process of online arbitration in India is the agreement to arbitrate. This agreement must be in writing and signed by all parties involved in the dispute. The agreement sets out the terms of the arbitration and specifies that any dispute arising between the parties will be resolved through arbitration. If the parties have an arbitration clause in their agreement or contract then only, they can approach online arbitration centers and initiate the proceedings. 

Initiation of Arbitration:

Once the agreement to arbitrate has been signed, the next step is to initiate the arbitration. This is typically done by sending a notice of arbitration to the other party, stating the nature of the dispute and the relief sought.

Appointment of Arbitrator:

The next step in the process of online arbitration in India is the appointment of an arbitrator. This may be done by mutual agreement between the parties or, if the parties are unable to agree, by the appointing authority designated in the agreement to arbitrate. The number of arbitrators appointed shall be mentioned under the arbitration clause of the agreement. If there is no mention of a number of the arbitrator then the arbitrator shall be appointed by an arbitral tribunal. However, the number of arbitrators should not be even. 

Preparation of Case:

Once the arbitrator has been appointed, the parties will prepare their cases and submit them to the arbitrator. This may involve the submission of written evidence, such as contracts, invoices, and other relevant documents, as well as oral evidence, such as witness statements and expert reports. The parties will submit their statement of claim and statement of defense from each side. 


The next step in the process of online arbitration in India is a hearing. This is an opportunity for the parties to present their case and for the arbitrator to ask questions and gather additional information. Online arbitration in India allows for remote hearings, where the parties and arbitrator can participate from different locations using video conferencing or other online tools.

Arbitral Award:

After the hearing, the arbitrator will make a decision, known as an arbitral award. The award is binding on the parties and is final and enforceable unless either party decides to challenge it in court.

Enforcement of the award:

If the award is not challenged, it can be enforced in the same manner as a court judgment. This may involve filing a petition for enforcement with the appropriate court or tribunal.

Advantages of online arbitration in India

Online arbitration in India offers several advantages over traditional court-based dispute resolution methods, including:

  • Convenience: Online arbitration in India offers the convenience of resolving disputes from the comfort of one’s own home or office, without the need for travel or the inconvenience of appearing in court. This makes the process more accessible and less time-consuming.
  • Speedy: Online arbitration in India is typically faster than court-based dispute resolution methods. This is because it eliminates the need for scheduling hearings, waiting for court dates, and other administrative procedures. The speed of online arbitration in India also allows parties to resolve disputes more quickly and move on with their lives.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Online arbitration in India is often less expensive than court-based dispute resolution methods, as it eliminates the need for lawyers, court fees, and other expenses associated with traditional court proceedings.
  • Flexibility: Online arbitration in India allows parties to schedule hearings and submit evidence at their convenience, rather than having to work around court schedules and procedures. This makes the process more flexible and less disruptive to the parties’ daily lives.
  • Privacy: Online arbitration in India offers a more private and confidential alternative to traditional court proceedings. This is because the proceedings are not open to the public, and the evidence and findings of the arbitration are typically not disclosed to anyone outside of the parties involved.
  • Neutrality: Online arbitration in India offers a neutral platform for resolving disputes, where an impartial arbitrator will make a decision based on the evidence presented. This helps to eliminate any bias or conflicts of interest that may arise in traditional court proceedings.

The Future of Online Arbitration in India

In conclusion, the future of online arbitration in India looks very promising. With the growth of technology and digitalization, online arbitration will become a widely accepted form of dispute resolution. The advantages of online arbitration in India are speed, cost-effectiveness, flexibility, privacy, and neutrality. And, these are appealing to parties looking for an alternative to traditional court proceedings. This, combined with the Indian government’s focus on ease of doing business and promoting alternative dispute resolution makes it lucrative.

However, there are also some challenges to the growth of online arbitration in India, such as the need for better infrastructure and technical support, as well as a need for greater awareness and education about online arbitration. Nevertheless, with the right measures in place, online arbitration in India has the potential to become a leading form of dispute resolution in the country. The future of online arbitration in India is bright, and it will play a significant role in the country.

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by Palak Poddar

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