Interlocutory is a legal term which essentially refers to an order, sentence, decree, or judgment, given in an intermediate or transitional stage between the beginning and end of a cause of action, used to give an impermanent or temporary decision on an issue. Along these lines, an interlocutory order isn’t final and isn’t liable to immediate appeal.
What is the interlocutory application
An interlocutory application meaning is an application which is moved in the primary appeal. It is normally documented when you request some urgent relief or to convey certain new facts to the learning of the court. In the event that the supreme court order says ‘interlocutory application disposed of”, it implies that you had documented an application looking for some relief, and in the wake of hearing you on the application, the court has passed an order in your application.
Interlocutory Petition mentioned in the Civil Rules of Practice, Rule 2 (j) states ” application to the court for any suit, appeal or proceedings already instituted in such court, other than a proceeding for execution of a decree or order.” It is fascinating to take note of that “application” is characterized in Rule 2 (c) that incorporates execution application, execution petition, and interlocutory application, both written and oral.

Interlocutory Application Format:-
IA NO. ______OF 200
Appeal/Original Petition No. ________of 200 .
Set out the Appeal No. _________________of 200
Appeal / Petition short cause title
Set out the 1. Appeal No.____________200
Cause Title – Interlocutory Application
Petition for stay/direction/dispense with/condone delay/calling records
The applicant above-named state/s as follows :
1. Set out the relief (s)
2. Brief facts
3. The basis on which interim orders prayed for
4. The balance of convenience, if any :
(All interlocutory applications shall be supported by an affidavit sworn by the Applicant/on its behalf and attested by a Notary Public).
The applicant above named hereby solemnly declare that nothing material has been concealed or suppressed and further declare that the enclosures and typed set of material papers relied upon and filed herewith are true copies of the originals or fair reproduction of the originals or true translation thereof.
Verified at_________dated at _______this day __________of _______200 .
Counsel for Applicant Applicant
I __________________(Name of the applicant) S/o.W/o.D/o. (indicate any one, as the case may be ) ___________age ____________working as __________ in the office of _______________resident of _______________ do hereby verify that the contents of the paras _____________to ___________are true to my personal knowledge / derived from official record ) and para _________ to _______are believed to be true on legal advice and that I have not suppressed any material facts.
Date :
Place :
Signature of the Appellant/Petitioner or authorized officer
The Code of Civil Procedure with its Rule 3(9) defines an Original Petition as a petition by which procedures are founded in a court other than a suit or appeal or proceeding in the execution of a decree or order.
This elucidates and clarifies the distinction between an original appeal to and an Interlocutory order as
- The original appeal of is identified with the purpose of the start of a dispute while the interlocutory request is recorded within the main appeal.
- The original petition establishes the procedures while the interlocutory petition looks for interim relief.
- Interlocutory petitions can be named as a type of incidental procedures dissimilar to original appeal to and are recorded to support the principle/main petitions.
- Interlocutory petitions look for relief amid the pendency of the main appeal to and can be discarded before the final judgment.
In T.V. Satyanarayana v. Subba Aruna Meenakshi, the question into thought was whether an appeal lies against the order made by the family court on an application exhibited under section 24 of the Hindu Marriage Act allowing interim maintenance under Section 19 of the Family Courts Act? It was held that Interlocutory Application “means an application to the Court for any suit, appeal or proceeding already instituted in such Court other than an application for execution of the decree or setting aside the decree or last order made in such suit, appeal or proceeding.” An application under Section 24 of the Hindu Marriage Act squarely falls inside the significance of the words “Interlocutory Application,” as it could be made just in the primary proceeding under either provision of the Hindu Marriage Act. Any order passed on such an application would unquestionably be an interlocutory request.
The Supreme Court while thinking about the maintainability of appeals against judgment and interlocutory orders, considered a progression of decisions of various Courts rendered regarding the matter, held that each interlocutory order can’t be viewed as a judgment yet just those orders would be judgments which decide matter in hand or influence indispensable and important rights of the parties and which work on the serious injustice to the party concerned.
An Interlocutory Petition begins with a point of view to shield the finishes of equity from being vanquished when the Original Petition can’t address the prompt conditions. Interlocutory Applications or Interlocutory Petitions are recorded to help the primary appeal for an interlocutory alleviation in the midst of pendency of the main Petition. The purpose of this article is to mostly feature the interlocutory applications and different case laws to imply the statement.
Abdul Jabbar Memonb
September 5, 2022Please send me the formate of interlocutory Applications
sheikh sabir uddin
October 24, 2022it’s content are very useful