It can be challenging to concentrate when you have an accident. You’re always dealing with some pain, whether from your injuries or the mental trauma caused by accident.If your car also gets damaged, it adds another level of frustration. Amidst all this, handling insurance companies for a claim can be the hardest because you already have so much going on, depending on your loss and suffering severity. The accident can hurt you financially, mentally, physically, and emotionally to an extent where you can give in to any logic.It is more likelyif you don’t know how to handle them properly. Hence, it is better to consult an injury lawyer.
Claiming injury compensation in Katy can be successful when you have a strong and experienced lawyer supporting your case. They tend to be well aware of the tricks that insurers often play on the accident victims to avoid paying the hefty compensation. If you don’t know this, here are a few insights.
No significant property damage means no grave injury
Though the damage caused to your vehicle may not be much, you are entitled to compensation. The amount of property damage your car faced is not always an indicator of the injuries inflicted on you or a third party involved in the accident. The human body is delicate, and its properties are dynamic; therefore, many factors contribute to making a car crash as stressful or disastrous as possible. Don’t listen to the insurance companies when they say you won’t get the settlement you deserve for what happened if there’s no substantial damage.

Your pain can be the result of older injuries
Insurance companies want you to think that it’s your fault that you were hurt. That’s not true. You had a prior injury, so there’s nothing they can do for you. When faced with a situation like this, the best thing to do is let your doctor know about your condition and previous injuries. They will be able to differentiate between the old and new wounds or injuries. At the same time, they can help with your recovery in terms of progress or setbacks. Many people get scared hearing the insurers’ arguments and hide their details. But this can only reduce your chances of getting compensated. So don’t make this mistake.
Or ensuring that they are with you
Insurance company representatives can make you feel like they are all for you because of their friendly approach and willingness to help. They will make sure you become comfortable with them. When you start trusting them, they will convince you how hard they will try to get your claim approved as soon as possible. They will also ensure that they don’t have any future liability with your case. And while showing all empathy and concern, they will try to settle your claim for a less amount.
All these scenarios are enough hints of what the insurance companies can do. Since you already have faced so much, it can be challenging to handle them. However, if you take the help of an attorney, you will not need to worry about anything.