How do Pro Bono Lawyers get paid?

Law plays a primary role in maintaining balance in society. It serves as a mechanism for resolving occasional disputes and providing justice to all. Law ensures that no individual is denied justice due to economic

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What is Doctrinal and Non-Doctrinal Legal Research?

What do you mean by Legal Research? Legal research is the process of identifying and finding information necessary to support legal decision-making. It is generally the process of checking for a legal precedent that can

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How to Do Legal Research?

What do you mean by Legal Research? Legal research is the process of identifying and finding information necessary to support legal decision-making. It is generally the process of checking for a legal precedent that can

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Judge vs Magistrate: Major factors that differentiate them

Judiciary, the third and most important pillar holding the Indian democracy, is unique with its intricacies and may appear complex to an outsider with no knowledge of it. Such an instance occurs when talking about

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Article 370: Past, Present and future everything you need to know

All of us are aware of the fact that there are many articles in the Indian constitution that has direct implication in the laws of our country. Article 370 is one of them. As per

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How to Clear a Title on a House?

When it comes to real estate transactions, there are often title issues that must be cleared up in order to transfer ownership of the home from the seller to the buyer. Does the seller have

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Can You Sue Your Employer?

Deciding whether or not to sue your employer is never easy, but it is sometimes necessary. If you had to go through discrimination, wrongful termination, sexual harassment, or injury at your workplace and your employer

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Cornelia Sorabji: Who Became First woman Lawyer in India

Introduction What can be said about India that hasn’t been said already? A country so big and beautiful where the culture and history run so deep! The Indian culture is known to be rich and

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