Help Center- Contact

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Add a Contact

1. On the left sidebar, select the 2nd option, contacts.
2. A drop-down open has 3 options. Click on All Contacts to view or add new contacts.
3. You can search your contacts from the search bar, and also you can add your own filters.

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3. Click on New to add a new contact.
4. Manually enter all the relevant information.
5. You can also previously upload stored CSV files with your contact details by selecting Import Contacts.

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Viewing an Existing Contact

When you go to the contacts page from the sidebar, you normally see the list of contacts already saved. To view the details for any particular contact:
1. Go to Contacts from the sidebar.
2. Navigate to the required contact and click on Detail.
3. Now, you can see the details of the required contact.

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1. From your dashboard, select Contacts and then click on Tags
2. Click the contact to be tagged and type the tag you want to give

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1. From your dashboard, select Contacts and then click on Segment
2. Similar to Tags, Segments are great for distributing your contacts at your convenience

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